Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup Selling Out This Christmas

By Jennifer Parsons

The Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup is the perfect pet for all people,young and old. Its a cute and cuddly dog that does exactly what its told,when its told. Its clean, doesn't bite or chew anything ,it doesn't make a mess on the floor and it doesn't cost a fortune to feed.

Kids love the idea of a puppy for Christmas, but parents not so much. The Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup is a great compromise. He's soft and cuddly like a real live puppy, but without the feeding and cleanups. Biscuit responds to voice commands, obeying when told to lie down, sit, and speak. Ask Biscuit if he wants a treat and he will nod. Ask him to shake, and he will offer his paw. Biscuit will wag his tail and bark when he is ready to play

The Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup has nine sensors to help kids control his behavior. He has different barks to communicate back. Press on his back and he'll sit down. Pet his nose and he'll sniff. Offer him his bone and he'll chomp down on it.

Of course, you do not want your children to think that rearing a new puppy is quite this easy, so the Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup is also designed to show children that having a real puppy can be a lot of work. While he may be ready to give you his paw to shake in a second, if you neglect the Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup his behavior will start to change drastically.

After a few moments of no interaction, Biscuit will begin to whine, bark, and move his head around anxious for more petting and cuddling. These added features will help teach your child that they have to be ready to commit to all aspects of raising a dog, not simply the fun ones before you add one to your family.

As Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup is quite large he may be hard for some smaller children to carry around but is still a great toy for all ages if kept in one area or if moved by larger children or by adults. Biscuit may also help your child to understand and care for real animals, they get positive reactions to being kind to Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup and by talking to him. Obviously real pets will also react but then you have to be careful that the child knows the real thing may bite back. This is a great animal to have and a great first pet for any child.

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