Many teens dream of the days that they will be able to get their own credit card to make purchases on the things they want. You can be a great parent and give them the chance to prove themselves responsible with a credit card that is attached to your account. You can even use this opportunity to give them a wake up call on their skewed reality when they make a mistake to help prevent them from falling into bad credit situations in the future.
Credit cards are a very big responsibility no matter who you are. A teen that sees it as free money is more likely to make a bad mistake when using credit for the first time. Letting a teen make a mistake is one of the ways that they can learn not to continue to make those mistakes.
You might think that it is a bad idea to give a teenager a credit card, especially if you do not have funds to cover any mistakes they might make. Do consider this though, have you made a mistake because you took out a credit card application and were accepted then having a shopping spree only to fins out a few minutes later that you went over the limit? If yes then you could tell them about your experience and how you do not want them to go through that.
Many credit card companies will allow for you to attach another person to the account under any name at no extra cost. This can be very risky, especially if you give the rights for a non mature person to make mature purchases upwards of large quantities of money. There can be much tension between those teens and their parents once such a mistake has occurred.
You might just want your teen to have a card for emergency purposes. This can be a problem when a teen does not know what counts as an emergency. Instead of emergencies, why not give them a card to use that they have to repay when they use. It may build their responsibility and promote getting a job and getting out of the house to be able to use the card online for stuff they really like or at the mall for something they are almost done saving up for.
You can actually help the young person build up a healthy credit when giving them access to a credit card. This also helps them to build healthy spending habits while learning to manage their own accounts. Say that you want to give them an allowance to spend with the card, but they have to repay the amount with their work. That is valuable experience that can be used to higher their knowledge of the adult world.
Closing Comments
You can have a great teenager at home but at the mall on their own, they may feel the need to show off. This can be a bad thing if they have a credit card. Luckily, you can decide if you wish to let your teens have a credit card or not.
Credit cards are a very big responsibility no matter who you are. A teen that sees it as free money is more likely to make a bad mistake when using credit for the first time. Letting a teen make a mistake is one of the ways that they can learn not to continue to make those mistakes.
You might think that it is a bad idea to give a teenager a credit card, especially if you do not have funds to cover any mistakes they might make. Do consider this though, have you made a mistake because you took out a credit card application and were accepted then having a shopping spree only to fins out a few minutes later that you went over the limit? If yes then you could tell them about your experience and how you do not want them to go through that.
Many credit card companies will allow for you to attach another person to the account under any name at no extra cost. This can be very risky, especially if you give the rights for a non mature person to make mature purchases upwards of large quantities of money. There can be much tension between those teens and their parents once such a mistake has occurred.
You might just want your teen to have a card for emergency purposes. This can be a problem when a teen does not know what counts as an emergency. Instead of emergencies, why not give them a card to use that they have to repay when they use. It may build their responsibility and promote getting a job and getting out of the house to be able to use the card online for stuff they really like or at the mall for something they are almost done saving up for.
You can actually help the young person build up a healthy credit when giving them access to a credit card. This also helps them to build healthy spending habits while learning to manage their own accounts. Say that you want to give them an allowance to spend with the card, but they have to repay the amount with their work. That is valuable experience that can be used to higher their knowledge of the adult world.
Closing Comments
You can have a great teenager at home but at the mall on their own, they may feel the need to show off. This can be a bad thing if they have a credit card. Luckily, you can decide if you wish to let your teens have a credit card or not.
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