There are countless websites out there that offer free credit reports. Ever since they decided to allow every American to get one free copy of each of the three credit reports every year, these sites have been popping up all over. You've probably even seen lots of commercials advertising them. Why has it become so popular for companies to give away free stuff all of a sudden?
If you have signed up for any of these sites you probably found out that they aren't exactly free. Sometimes it's hidden well and other times it's easily found that they are going to charge you for something, if you're not careful.
Where they get is that after they give you your credit reports, they sign you up for a trial period of their credit monitoring service automatically. Something you will probably never want or need. Normally it's a 7 day trial period and if you don't call and cancel within that 7 days, your card will be charged. If you are wondering why they ask you for your credit card information, this is why.
I've heard people say that it's easy and you get the same thing when you sign up through this service than if you signed up somewhere else and didn't get put on a free trial. I say, why sign up for something and waste time entering your card information and calling to cancel the service when you can avoid that altogether?
It is true, you should always read the fine print and terms of service before you ever sign up for anything, but you also shouldn't need to be tricked into something. Is it really necessary to be so slick in order to get you to sign up for a service?
In fact, this could end up discouraging potential customers. Someone who might have signed up for the service through honest advertising may not sign up because they were frustrated with being automatically enrolled in something they were unaware about.
No matter what, always be careful when you are signing up for something, especially when they ask for your credit card information. Find out why they need this information if it says it's free. Read everything, including the fine print, before you sign.
It doesn't sound that hard to sign up, get your free reports, and cancel the service, but you can even more easily get your free credit reports without signing up for anything. Check the links below for more info.
If you have signed up for any of these sites you probably found out that they aren't exactly free. Sometimes it's hidden well and other times it's easily found that they are going to charge you for something, if you're not careful.
Where they get is that after they give you your credit reports, they sign you up for a trial period of their credit monitoring service automatically. Something you will probably never want or need. Normally it's a 7 day trial period and if you don't call and cancel within that 7 days, your card will be charged. If you are wondering why they ask you for your credit card information, this is why.
I've heard people say that it's easy and you get the same thing when you sign up through this service than if you signed up somewhere else and didn't get put on a free trial. I say, why sign up for something and waste time entering your card information and calling to cancel the service when you can avoid that altogether?
It is true, you should always read the fine print and terms of service before you ever sign up for anything, but you also shouldn't need to be tricked into something. Is it really necessary to be so slick in order to get you to sign up for a service?
In fact, this could end up discouraging potential customers. Someone who might have signed up for the service through honest advertising may not sign up because they were frustrated with being automatically enrolled in something they were unaware about.
No matter what, always be careful when you are signing up for something, especially when they ask for your credit card information. Find out why they need this information if it says it's free. Read everything, including the fine print, before you sign.
It doesn't sound that hard to sign up, get your free reports, and cancel the service, but you can even more easily get your free credit reports without signing up for anything. Check the links below for more info.
About the Author:
Samantha can help you get your free instant credit report online. Get yours and learn more about the possible effects of credit.
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