As a law firm or independent lawyer, determining where to spend you online marketing budget can be a daunting task. You have so many options, and are competing in a very competitive field. Each click could possibly be a new client eventually worth thousands or hundreds of thousands to the firm. With that kind of value on the line you can bet that firms are willing to pay whatever they have to, to be seen. Is there anything you can do to get the edge?
The simple answer is to be better than your competition. Of course gaining those skills can take a PPC marketer years and a lot of money to be able to compete. Most legal firms decide to do there PPC internally. Often times someone suggested they need to start marketing online and mentioned google and everyone came to the consensus of adsense. The trouble is it doesn't work out to be so easy, and you are wasting your firms marketing budget. This might be a solution.
In your right mind would ever recommend a client represent themselves in court with little or no court experience? Why not? You would not do that because you know that regardless of how smart that person is, they have no court experience or expertise. This is something that requires years of experience to master. A rocket scientist may be smarter than you but they do not know that asking to dismiss a piece of evidence because the paper work wasn't filed properly was even an option.
By now I am sure you have figured out the important point that I am getting at. You need to have someone on your team that specializes in Pay Per Click advertising running you campaign. The reason is that it works. Specialist devote years perfecting strategies to get the maximum return and effectiveness out of a Pay Per Click campaign. While you were in law school, they were in PPC school, or the school of hard knocks learn by trial. The industry standard for a service such as PPC management is about 15% of your total ad budget, and a set hourly fee to create, manage, and tweak the campaign. It is not always structured like this, but this gives you a pretty good idea of what to expect when looking for Law PPC help.
A good PPC expert can more than make up for the 15% budget fee. This is because they know what keywords to target, and which ones not to. They also know how to get higher in the rankings without paying more. They also know how to attract only those customers that you want to click on the ads.
This means several things. First, you will improve the mother of all PPC metrics, cost per conversion. The means that your ratio of clicks to conversions will most likely improve, or your cost per click will lower meaning you will have a lower cost per conversion. Usually it is both. This is very good thing. Imagine you have a budget of $10000 per month, and you are currently getting 3000 clicks to your page. That means your are paying $3.33 per click. From that you are getting 100 leads. that is $100 per lead, or 3.3% conversion. If you could make that 6.6% you will have double the leads and your cost per lead is now $50.
The implications of this is that your can pay more for your clicks if you have to. Up to double what you would have paid before and still have the same or better results. You may even be able to increase the advertising budget because of its effectiveness. We have comprised a list of several of the most important factors that effect PPC campaigns.
Creating optimized landing pages is crucial. You want the page that the person lands on to be as relevant as possible to the search term. It makes sense to them, but Google also rewards you with a higher relevency rating, which means it costs less to appear at the top.
Testing is crucial to the long term success of a PPC campaign. Almost no campaign is successful right off the back. You have to test parameters against one another to see what is effective and what isn't. It is different every time. In general a PPC campaign should become more and more successful as time goes by.
Analytics is the most important piece of any internet marketing. Without it you do not know who is click where, or where your conversions are coming from. This is how you find out which words are being effective and which ones are not. This will let you know where to spend your money.
Keyword Research: You want to find out what your target market is searching for, and how much competition there is. You also want to know the strength of the keywords commercial intent. This means is the person using that word in the discovery phase of the decision cycle, the comparison phase, or the action phase. Start by marketing to the action phased words first. That way you can save on clicks from 15 year old mesothelioma research reports.
The simple answer is to be better than your competition. Of course gaining those skills can take a PPC marketer years and a lot of money to be able to compete. Most legal firms decide to do there PPC internally. Often times someone suggested they need to start marketing online and mentioned google and everyone came to the consensus of adsense. The trouble is it doesn't work out to be so easy, and you are wasting your firms marketing budget. This might be a solution.
In your right mind would ever recommend a client represent themselves in court with little or no court experience? Why not? You would not do that because you know that regardless of how smart that person is, they have no court experience or expertise. This is something that requires years of experience to master. A rocket scientist may be smarter than you but they do not know that asking to dismiss a piece of evidence because the paper work wasn't filed properly was even an option.
By now I am sure you have figured out the important point that I am getting at. You need to have someone on your team that specializes in Pay Per Click advertising running you campaign. The reason is that it works. Specialist devote years perfecting strategies to get the maximum return and effectiveness out of a Pay Per Click campaign. While you were in law school, they were in PPC school, or the school of hard knocks learn by trial. The industry standard for a service such as PPC management is about 15% of your total ad budget, and a set hourly fee to create, manage, and tweak the campaign. It is not always structured like this, but this gives you a pretty good idea of what to expect when looking for Law PPC help.
A good PPC expert can more than make up for the 15% budget fee. This is because they know what keywords to target, and which ones not to. They also know how to get higher in the rankings without paying more. They also know how to attract only those customers that you want to click on the ads.
This means several things. First, you will improve the mother of all PPC metrics, cost per conversion. The means that your ratio of clicks to conversions will most likely improve, or your cost per click will lower meaning you will have a lower cost per conversion. Usually it is both. This is very good thing. Imagine you have a budget of $10000 per month, and you are currently getting 3000 clicks to your page. That means your are paying $3.33 per click. From that you are getting 100 leads. that is $100 per lead, or 3.3% conversion. If you could make that 6.6% you will have double the leads and your cost per lead is now $50.
The implications of this is that your can pay more for your clicks if you have to. Up to double what you would have paid before and still have the same or better results. You may even be able to increase the advertising budget because of its effectiveness. We have comprised a list of several of the most important factors that effect PPC campaigns.
Creating optimized landing pages is crucial. You want the page that the person lands on to be as relevant as possible to the search term. It makes sense to them, but Google also rewards you with a higher relevency rating, which means it costs less to appear at the top.
Testing is crucial to the long term success of a PPC campaign. Almost no campaign is successful right off the back. You have to test parameters against one another to see what is effective and what isn't. It is different every time. In general a PPC campaign should become more and more successful as time goes by.
Analytics is the most important piece of any internet marketing. Without it you do not know who is click where, or where your conversions are coming from. This is how you find out which words are being effective and which ones are not. This will let you know where to spend your money.
Keyword Research: You want to find out what your target market is searching for, and how much competition there is. You also want to know the strength of the keywords commercial intent. This means is the person using that word in the discovery phase of the decision cycle, the comparison phase, or the action phase. Start by marketing to the action phased words first. That way you can save on clicks from 15 year old mesothelioma research reports.
About the Author:
Visit our website at Law Pay Per Click, to learn how your firm can start making money of PPC.Learn How To Get Google Adwords For Free
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