Wholesale Deals Galore In Jackson MS

By Jesse DAvis

I have been in the wholesale business for some time now. There are many wholesale deals to be had in Jackson, Mississippi.

If you are a local investor here in Jackson you probably no me but if you don't you need to know me. I have a awesome reputation for customer service, just ask around. In Real estate your reputation is absolutely everything and if you want to be successful in investing in real estate especially wholesaling where you have to deal with many clients and turn alot more deals than normal it is everything

The major difference in working with a wholesaler that truly makes his living off of selling volume and dealing with most investors that make home runs (to much money) is their prices. The best wholesaler in the town will have the lowest prices and therefore move the most properties. Like me.

If someone wants me to purchase the property and do the rehab of fixing up the house I will. Let's say you do not have the contacts. I am actually going to go in there and do the rehab with my contacts. I will give you a set price. I will show you what will be done and what the cost is. That is the price right there. No hidden costs. If I miss something then I will have it fixed and it will come out of my pocket. If I say a price, that is the price it is. Some investors are not willing to do that. They will give you the price. Into the process, the investor may find a hidden cost and pass that onto your wallet.

I often hear other investors talk about mistakes happening and having to go back to the investor they are working with and asking for more money. I made my mind up a long time ago that I was not going to do that and have stuck to my guns since the start even when I have had to come out of pocket for something that no one could have seen was a problem. By the way when you do a bunch of properties sooner or later that will happen.

most investors would not lose money on a deal but the way I look at it is the customer must be happy and it always comes back with a future sale if not to that investor may be someone he or she talked to. So the bottom line is to do what you say your going to do.

If you are looking for great wholesale investment property in Jackson Mississippi I am the man you need to know. Working with me will save you time and money by capatilizing on all of my relationships and hard work in the past to build the network that I have.

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