Why Can't I Find Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

By Susan Reynolds

With the gas prices currently on the rise and the economy slowing down there are more motorcycles on the road than ever before. Bikers have certainly changed. You might even catch your grandpa riding one.

Locating insurance is the main complaint of many new motorcyclists. The search for coverage is actually quite tough. If you just recently bought your first motorcycle you possibly have been told already by your current insurance company that they will not be able to supply coverage for your bike. If you have not bought a motorcycle and are thinking about it, check with your insurance company to find out what their policies are.

It may bother you that your current insurance company has refused to supply you with coverage. You may be a perfectly safe driver who has never allowed their policy to lapse. So why would they turn you down? Most of us know that combining insurance policies is a great way to save money. The fact remains that you may have to start using a new insurance company to get your motorcycle coverage. If you are stuck n your current policy or maybe just renewed it you may have to deal with having two different companies insuring you.

Insurance companies have their reasons., The real reason is not really about you or your record. The most common reason insurance companies do not provide motorcycle coverage is because of other drivers not the motorcyclist. Many people do not notice bikers on the road and this presents a risk for more accidents even if the rider is not at fault. This is one of the largest reasons for motorcycle accidents.

Even small mishaps run the risk of incurring more serious injuries to a motorcyclist. A fender bender while driving a car or truck will usually result in only a small claim for repairs to the vehicle and rarely creates a claim for serious injury.

There is very little protecting the biker from injury if they wreck and are knocked off their bike to the road. These issues make it more likely that there will be a claim for serious injury as well as a claim for a totaled bike. Helmet laws vary from state to state and insurance companies have to consider this. Some states will make a new biker wear a helmet and other states require no helmet at all. Travelling without a helmet is a huge factor in the insurance coverage and many companies are scared away from providing any coverage.

While you are shopping for motorcycle insurance coverage keep all this in mind. You will find companies that provide coverage for bikers at an affordable rate but you may have to call several places first. Insurance companies want to protect us but they have to protect their business as well. Motorcycles just present a bad risk for many companies. With more bikers on the road these days you might find that some will begin to change their minds, but do not expect it.

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